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The Business Diagnostic

How to Use Systems Thinking and Causal Inference to:

*Diagnose the Causes of Important Business Problems

*Discover the Sources of Valuable Opportunities

An Ideal for Consultants, Analysts, and
All Ambitious Professionals

Use The Business Diagnostic to Gain Rare, Valuable, and Difficult-to-Imitate Skills, Knowledge, and Abilities that Can Transform and Accelerate Your Career by Learning…

A diagram of the most important stages of the Traversing the Performance Gap (TPG) Process

How to Gain Deep Insights Using The Performance Gap (TPG) Model

Traversing the Performance Gap (TPG) is a systematic approach to gaining unrivaled understandings of the causes of business & technology behavior and performance then effectively intervene with solutions to important problems or pursuit of valuable opportunities.

Water Cycle as Example of Non-obvious Cyclic Systems

The Importance of Detecting and Understanding Non-Obvious Cycles

Applied Systems Thinking reveals not only the visible and obvious behavior and performance elements affecting a business or technology, but the (far more important) not-visible and non-obvious elements which tend to have outsized effects.

System Dynamics - Example Stock & Flow Diagram

How to Understand & Explain Dynamic Behavior and Performance Based on Structure, Flows, Policies, Delays & Latencies, and Feedback…and much more.

The mental models and “language” of Systems Thinking is a powerfully expressive way to discern and communicate the complex causes of business & technology behavior & performance.

General Systems Theory — Input-Process-Output Diagram

All Business & Technologies are Systems

Because all businesses and technologies are systems, the causes of their behavior and performance can be understood using systems principles, practices, and archetypes.

Causal Loop Diagram Example with Loop Polarity

How to Gain Unmatched Insights with Powerful and Easy Causal Loop Diagrams (CLDs)

One of the simplest, most powerful, and visually expressive ways to explain and communicate dynamic mechanisms is the Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) which provides unparalleled abilities to peer into and understand the complexities of business and technology behavior and performance,

Toulmin Model of Argumentation

How to Create Compelling Arguments

Logical analysis is best conveyed via a logical communication structure. The “Toulmin Model of Argumentation” is one of the most powerful and easy-to-learn ways to craft compelling arguments.

Fundamental Cause and Effect Premise

All Effects Have Discoverable Causes

Every effect on a business’ or technology’s behavior and performance is attributable to one or more causes—which are discoverable and confirmable.

No Event Thinking

Why It’s Important to Avoid Event Thinking

Event Thinking is the mistaken perception that events occur in isolation; the erroneous belief that events are random and never predictable. Seemingly isolated—events are predictable results/ outcomes/ current state(s) of the dynamic behavior and performance of a business or technology.

The Business Diagnostic Ten Plus One Iterative Stages Model

A Systematic, Repeatable Diagnostic Process

The Business Diagnostic (TBD) is a systematic & repeatable ten plus one stage diagnostic method developed, refined, and proven over ~five decades. 

You Will Also Learn:

Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)

Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs)

Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) are used in Causal Inference to graphically model cause-and-effect relationships.

Ten Perspectives to Gain Unique Insights into Any Business or Technology

Deep insights into business/technology behavior and performance can be obtained by measuring ten types of elements common to all systems.

System Dynamics Stock and Flow (S&F) Models

System Dynamics Stock & Flow Models are powerful tools used to delve into the dynamic (over time) causes of business & technology performance & behavior by modeling accumulators, flows, rates, delays & latencies, and feedback.

Counterfactuals: Gaining Unique Insights by Evaluating What Did Not Happen

Business & technology behavior & performance insights can be enhanced by considering “counterfactuals,” decision paths not taken. (E.g., What would have happened if {ADVERTISING_CAMPAIGN} were not executed?)

Two Types of Feedback

How to Identify and Understanding Feedback in its Many Forms

There are two types of feedback present and operating in all systems all the time. One type is “destabilizing,” moving the system (business/technology) AWAY from equilibrium. The other type is “balancing,” moving the system TOWARD equilibrium.

Understanding Delays & Latencies

To understand business/technology behavior and performance, it is imperative to understand that there exist indeterminable latencies between a change in one (or more) causes and observing a change in one (or more) effects.

What Others Say…

“Rick distinguishes himself with an unmatched attention to detail, a dogged desire to find solutions to problems and is completely unflappable in a crisis. These qualities, along with his extensive industrial experience, inevitably make him the core of any team that he is working in, as well as a natural leader. His exceptional communications skills make him a major asset in customer-facing roles.” 
—Software Executive: S. Rowell
“Rick Hubbard is an experienced, advisory-level consultant who bridges what is sometimes called the “business-technology divide.” Rick can analyze and fix strategy, business processes and investment management issues behind technology decisions, as well as create technology solutions to business problems—where others fail, Rick can do it all. His technology experience is deep and wide, as is his business experience, enabling him to make spot-on recommendations that solve problems which others find difficult to solve. Rick’s superior written, verbal and presentation skills enhance his overall professionalism, and elevate him well above the crowd as a superb technology advisory consultant.”

—Senior Global Technology Analyst: R. Towry
“Rick has a breadth and depth of experience in IT system implementation and consulting that is just astounding. Having worked on several large outsourced development projects with Rick from initial sales efforts through delivery, I can attest to the value of his services and methods in complex customer environments. He has a unique ability to understand the challenges associated with service delivery in specific spaces and then synthesize definition and delivery frameworks that are highly effective in solving those challenges.”

—Global Professional Services VP: D. Lichner
“Dr. Hubbard was by far the most, dynamic, engaging, challenging and charismatic professor I have ever had during the course of my college career. He aimed to inspire and motivate his students to become critical problem solves, and I left each class ready to take on new and challenging problems. The skills that he taught me have proved vital in my new career in a very fast pace and dynamic environment, were solving high value problems is a must.”

—Global Technology Supply Chain Executive: P. Calonico
“Prof. Hubbard may very well be the most intelligent person I have ever met. His brain soaks up data and organizes it so well that he can spit out facts applying to nearly any situation. He simplifies—even the most complicated project—roots out assumptions and clarification necessary for success.”

—Business Development Executive: J. Anderson

Rick Hubbard

Business Diagnostic Coach

The Business Diagnostic Ten Plus One Iterative Stages Model

The Business Diagnostic (TBD)

Dr. Rick Hubbard

The Business Diagnostic Coach

Since joining a prestigious global consulting firm in 1980—after serving as a US Air Force Officer designing and developing reconnaissance and surveillance software systems in an Intelligence Agency—Dr. Rick Hubbard’s career spanned professional advisor, business & technology executive, strategist, enterprise software solutions architect, and university professor.

Rick is a life-long systems scientist.

In a career spanning five decades, he developed deep expertise and unique insights applying systems-thinking, GST (General Systems Theory), cybernetics, system dynamics, causal inference, decision science, and data science to demanding business & technology problems & opportunities. While doing so, he earned multiple degrees in Computer Science and an MBA (Finance).

Based on decades of applying systems principles to demanding challenges, Dr. Hubbard developed, refined, and proved The Business Diagnostic across hundreds of demanding, complex problems and opportunity pursuits.

Dr. Hubbard has led Business Diagnostic engagements in such varied industries as:

  • Financial services,
  • Telecommunications,
  • Manufacturing,
  • Distribution,
  • Enterprise Software,
  • Air Transportation,
  • Consumer Marketing,

and many others.

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